FOOD as Medicine
With all its healthful medicinal properties, food is key for the prevention, management and recovery from:
- Mental health challenges
- Anxiety and depression
- Inflammation and pain
- Low energy levels
- Digestive issues
- Peri / Menopause weight gain / brain fog
- Disease and disorders
In fact, anything that makes you feel unwell.
About our Approach
The KABA Wellness program promotes a natural, life-long relationship between your body and enjoyable foods that support your health. New habits – free from rigid programming and counting – that anyone on any budget can integrate into the demands of an active household and busy life.
The study of modern medicine separated the body’s systems and functions in order to get a depth of practice in each area. As a result, there has been less emphasis on how the systems inform and influence each other for overall healthy functions.
What Jody brings to her clients is an integrated approach that starts with a presenting issue – pain, low energy, anxiety, in fact anything that doesn’t feel “well”.
The body knows and, if we listen, we can use its own knowing… its own wisdom… to explore where issues begin and what exacerbates them. To understand the connections, treatments and permanent changes for improved health and vitality. Learning the correct tool to use and at the correct time is key to bringing the body into a state of well-being.
You don’t have to try to make sense of a bombardment of spotty, disconnected ads, articles and news items that may not apply to your unique body. This ‘spray’ of information is difficult to navigate — particularly when so much of it seems to contradict itself.
It takes years of study, research, and practice to do this well. It takes someone with passion and curiosity for this kind of learning. And, as a practitioner, that is what Jody offers you.
With her guidance, each client develops their own personalized program to suit their individual needs for the health of their body and their mind.
About Jody
Jody Konken is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant based in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada.
She supports individuals through detoxification and nutritional correction using a combination of modern-day science, traditional health practices and intuition – both hers and her clients.
In addition to improvements in physical wellness, Jody makes the connection between nutrition and mental health — helping clients challenged by feelings of shame, guilt, lack of self-worth and loss of motivation.
About the Program
From Jody’s multidisciplinary approach, the program is designed to be responsive to the needs, preferences and circumstances of her individual clients.
Making positive choices in the way you choose to nourish yourself will result in improved gut health, organ function and overall systems. You can expect pain reduction, more energy and vitality as well as better emotional regulation. All in balance.
Clients are provided with a unique script of prescribed foods and other supportive strategies for overall health. A collection of recipes and videos helps clients prepare nutritious and delicious dishes – a collection that grows all the time as the community engages in co-creating healthful dishes.
Other resources and references round out the picture for people interested in the science behind their program.
About a Name
The name KABA Wellness comes from the Merkaba which means light * spirit * body – the energy sphere in which everything exists and symbolized with sacred geometry.
Modern-day science is all about the mind’s ability to decipher our physicality and related pathologies. While that is important, what is equally important is our body’s ability to know and our ability to bring light to that knowing. No-one can dispute the power in the integration of all different modalities of healing – that of mind, body and spirit.
The name KABA Wellness fits this work so perfectly.